Psychedelic Microdosing

Psychedelic Microdosing Benefits And Challenges

Nowadays, more and more people are sharing their positive experiences of using microdosing. This method is increasingly being researched and concluded that it is effective. If you are afraid to use psychedelics, you can try microdosing first. In addition, for those who are worried about anxiety and depressed thoughts, psilocybin microdose capsules can be a kind of salvation. To begin, you need to know what is a method and how it affects the human body. So let’s start discussing these issues.

What is microdosing?

Microdosing is a common way of taking psychedelics in small doses. This method is designed to get from psychedelics only a state of calm and relaxation. However, you will not get psychedelic effects. That is, you will not feel the full trip. There may be psychedelic mushrooms microdosing. In general, the psilocybin contained in mushrooms comes in a very small dose. The reason why you can use CBD microdosing is its effectiveness in treating mental health. To prove the effectiveness of microdosing, many studies and discussions are conducted. One of them belongs to Paul Austin – “microdosing and the psychedelic third wave”.

Each type of psychedelic has its dosage rate. As for magic mushrooms, they are recommended to take twice a week. You only use 0.1-0.5g. psilocybin. Bear in mind, the CBD should be taken no more than 30g per day. Of course, these are not accurate recommendations. It all depends on your body.

The benefits of microdosing psychedelics

So, for what do you need to use microdosing? As you can see, it helps with excessive anxiety and depression. However, there are still many benefits of microdosing psychedelic mushrooms. Psychotherapists use this method during sessions as a perfect remedy that helps patients to relax. They also use it as an additional stage of treatment. So what does microdosing with psychedelic mushrooms help with? Naturally, they help treat diseases such as depression, intense compulsive disorders, Alzheimer’s disease, anxiety, and serve as good painkillers.

So why are psychedelics a good cure for anxiety? Unlike other drugs, psychedelic microdosing effects in time. Also, they are not addictive. Therefore, this method is often chosen from among others.

The challenges of microdosing psychedelics

There is a lot of psychedelic microdosing research which evaluate the challenges of microdosing psychedelics. These include possible tests such as disorientation, reluctance to deal with the situation, inconsistency of dilation, dilation of the pupils, problems with self-identification, and possible worsening of symptoms. Therefore, it is important that the dosage is prescribed by a doctor. It is also worth remembering that it is best to start with the lowest dose. Over time, you will be able to increase the dosage. However, this method will save you from unplanned effects.


So, microdosing is a method that helps fight anxiety and cures your mental health. This is an effective method if you combine it with psychotherapy. However, it is worth learning more about the specifics of microdosing and its possible consequences because being aware of possible side effects and following the dosing advice are of great importance.