
Lip Flip Botox: Everything You Need To Know About The Procedure

Multiple women aim for fuller, plumper lips. Fortunately, the current beauty market offers a diversity of nonsurgical cosmetic approaches to get the dream lips, just like in Kylie Jenner! Lip flip Botox is among the popular options – it is a good alternative to standard dermal fillers. Please get in touch with our medical spa to schedule your first Botox Bali procedure – professional service and affordable prices are guaranteed. Today, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about Botox for lip flip.

What is a lip flip Botox?

A lip flip is an in-office cosmetic procedure incorporating a Botox injection to reshape the lips. The injection works to relax the muscles around the lips temporarily. As a result, a patient gets a fuller lip appearance once the part of the upper lip inside the mouth flips upward and outward. The main trick of this procedure is that a lip flip only creates the illusion of a fuller lip appearance without adding the actual volume. The better results of plumper lips are possible when a lip flip is combined with lip fillers. Many clients love this treatment for being fast – the entire process takes no longer than ten to twenty minutes.

Where to inject Botox for lip flip?

Usually, lip flip therapy isn’t painful, so that most patients won’t get anesthesia or numbing cream. During a treatment, a technician will likely inject small amounts of Botox into your Cupid’s bow – the middle-upper lip, and the mouth corners. Remember that a lip flip procedure offers the results of a fuller top lip. Therefore, many people who think their upper lip hides when they smile opt for this quick lip treatment.

Botox lip flip: How many units do I need?

If you get confused about how many units of Botox for lip flip you need, you are in the right place. Lip flips traditionally incorporate small doses of Botox, so they are considered safe cosmetic treatments. The units required for a lip flip usually vary from two to ten. The more Botox units injected, the longer the results will last, and vice versa. In addition, patients might get swelling or minor bruising at the injection place. Meanwhile, injecting more considerable amounts of Botox might result in more severe side effects due to excess lip relaxation. The symptoms include difficulties closing your lips and pronouncing specific words, drooling, mouth drooping, usually on one side, etc.

Botox lip flip: How long to see results?

People typically notice the results several days after a lip flip procedure. The full effects will come between ten to fourteen days following treatment. One more important thing to note – the results of a lip flip aren’t permanent due to tiny amounts of Botox injected. Most patients see the effects for two to three months; then, they start to fade. It would be wise to schedule a touch-up Botox lip flip procedure to maintain the results, although common lip fillers offer longer results, up to one year.