
9 Key Factors of Survey Incentives

Nowadays a survey is a very convenient way to get to know some useful information. However, people often don’t have enough time or don’t want to answer your survey questions. So, you should make a survey review and think over some survey incentives ideas.

An incentive survey is a special kind of review, which provides some prizes or encouragements for people who are ready to answer some questions. If you want to take part in such a survey, the following information will be useful for you to know.

Main Principles of Survey Incentives

1. One of the most important things is your budget. You should understand what sum of money you can spend to encourage people. Depending on your budget, decide what survey prizes you can afford. 

2. Try to offer the first 50 people a free cup of coffee or any other drink they prefer. Besides, it can be new books or planners. You can also offer phones or other devices as a reward. But remember that these things must be beneficial and practical for the participants. 

3. Decide what your audience is. If it is a younger generation, use some modern ideas to motivate them. Remember that it is not necessarily to offer only cash or material things. Think over something interesting, depending on the age and even gender of the participants.

4. It is important to decide when you will give the prizes. You may do that before or after the survey.

 The studies show that it is more useful to offer the incentive before the beginning of the survey. In such a case, people feel more confident and even obliged to answer your questions.

5. Think about the place where you can carry out your survey. It may be conducted in a particular building or just via the Internet. As to me, the automatic variant is more convenient for you and people as well.

6. Offer people to take part in your survey anonymously. In such a case, it won’t be necessary to give their personal information. I am sure that more people will be ready to support your survey.

7. It is also essential to choose the type of incentive survey. You may offer the prizes to all the participants or just to some of them. It depends on the expense of the incentives.

8. If you want to do something creative, conduct your survey incentives as a lottery. It means that all people will have an equal chance to win a prize.

9. Make sure that everything is clear. Don’t try to outsmart the participants because they influence your reputation. 


Today an incentive for survey participation became an effective way of encouraging people. Just remember several main principles and factors to succeed.